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Wills and Estates

The recent passing of Taiwanese celebrity Big S (Barbie Hsu) has not only left fans mourning but has also sparked important conversations about estate planning, particularly for parents with young children and re-married couples. While Big S’s situation is unique, her untimely death serves as a reminder of the unpredictability of life and the need […]

Understanding Family Provision Claims in New South Wales A family provision claim in New South Wales (NSW) is a legal process that allows an individual to seek a share of a deceased person’s estate, even if they have been left out of the will or have not been adequately provided for. The purpose of this […]

Did you know that your divorce can affect your will? In NSW, divorce will revoke the provisions of a will that provides for any assets distributed to your ex-partner. Further, if you have appointed your ex-partner as an executor or trustee in your will, this will also be revoked. The above will not apply if […]

A will is your final act that ensures your assets are protected and distributed according to your wishes. No one wants to leave behind a will only to find out that it is invalid. Not only does this cause disputes and significant stress to your loved ones, but it may ultimately cost your estate thousands […]