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Family Law


The day I turned 15 I handed in the application to change my surname to include my mother’s maiden name. I had been thinking about changing my name for around a year and half and by the time I applied my mum had sole custody of me so I wasn’t required to get permission from […]


Hi parents, as the school holidays come to an end extra curricular sports, parent- teacher conferences, school assemblies, assignments, tutoring etc start back up again. For some parents(of divorce/separation) it might be their first year without a partner to navigate the school year, for others it could be the same routine as every year. All […]


There are many different ways a child can perceive divorce. Some kids think it’s a blessing, some think it’s the end of their lives, some blame themselves, some think their parents hate eachother but no matter how they perceive it there is usually an underlying element of fear. I understand that going through a divorce […]

Hi, I am 16 years old and my parents have been separated for nearly 7 years and have been divorced for less than a year. I am not going to say that I know everything about separation/divorce or that all of you reading will be able to relate to my experience as a child of […]

Parents Money

There are certain matters to consider before giving money to your child. Do not simply gift/loan money to your child without knowing the associated risks. At Anderson Boemi Lawyers, we understand that as a parent you would want to financially support your children, particularly given the high cost of living in Australia, which is the […]

Family law matter

Recently, a new bill has passed in the state of New South Wales becoming the first state in Australia to create an offence of coercive and control. This new law involves certain patterns of behaviour to a current or former intimate partner with the intent to coerce and control which includes denying the victim their […]

Protect ny Child

If you are concerned that your ex-partner may take your child overseas without your consent, then you may wish to place your child on the Family Law Watchlist to avoid the risk of abduction. The Family Law Watchlist (previously known as the Airport Watchlist) is a national program which operates at an international level and […]

Having an up-to-date and valid will is an essential part of caring for your family. To find out more about how separation and divorce can affect your Will read on. It is common for spouses to appoint each other as executor or executrix of each other’s Will and/or as one of the main beneficiaries of […]

Commonly we get asked “How will I know when my marriage is over? When is enough enough?”. This question generally does not come out of the blue, but rather from someone that has been contemplating separation for some time. My response to this question is commonly “one day, you will wake up and something will […]

Along with making a Will, the appointment of an Enduring Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardian is a very important part of any Estate Plan. It is a common misconception that these documents are only for the elderly. It is recommended that anyone over the age of 18 years (that has the mental capacity to […]