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There are many different ways a child can perceive divorce. Some kids think it’s a blessing, some think it’s the end of their lives, some blame themselves, some think their parents hate eachother but no matter how they perceive it there is usually an underlying element of fear. I understand that going through a divorce […]

KIDS – Kids In Divorce & Separation

Hi, I am 16 years old and my parents have been separated for nearly 7 years and have been divorced for less than a year. I am not going to say that I know everything about separation/divorce or that all of you reading will be able to relate to my experience as a child of […]

Why do you need a Power of Attorney

A power of attorney is document giving someone you trust, the ability to attend to (and complete) legal and financial transactions on your behalf when you cannot complete them yourself, whether that be due to incapacity, being absent, being incarcerated etc. The person giving this power is called the “principal,” and the person receiving it […]


It is important for purchasers to first find out about the property through the building & pest report before signing the contract. However, if you are planning to buy a property and use it for Airbnb purposes, then in addition to the building & pest report, you will need to make further enquiries to find […]

Losing your licence

It is a privilege to have a driver licence within NSW however losing your licence or the potential loss of your licence can cause unusual hardship to your family life and be detrimental to your employment.   Most road users may not be aware of their appeal rights of a licence suspension or electing on […]

How to prepare for an auction

When purchasing at auction, you do not have the benefit of any cooling off period if you are the successful purchaser. Therefore, it is important that you are well-prepared beforehand. The following are some important things we recommend you do before going to an auction.   1. Due Diligence We recommend you obtain a pest […]

Should Parents and/or grandparents become guarantors on home loans

Are your children or grandchildren requesting you to become a guarantor in securing their home loan? If yes, then you should consider the following:   1. What does it mean to be a guarantor?   A guarantor is a person who enters into a binding agreement with a credit provider (lender) promising to repay the […]

Why you shouldn’t have your breakfast while driving to work.

While most of us have become accustomed to drive through take away which allows us to purchase food products without leaving our cars and self-driving cars are becoming increasingly popular as the self-drive features require little or no human input, the opportunity to eat and drink while driving is available at our fingertips. But is […]


Before buying a property, a purchaser will usually find out about problems with the property through a building & pest report. But there are some issues that will not be covered by these reports, such as tree disputes that are likely to occur in the future. If the branches of your neighbour’s trees have not […]

How to get an easement over your neighbour’s property

An easement is the legal right to use another person’s property for a specific purpose or use. Some common types of easements include: easement for services i.e. water pipes, sewage, power lines etc. easement for access e. shared driveway easement for support Dominant tenement means the land benefiting from the easement. Servient tenement means the […]